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Monday, March 9, 2015

Screw Muslim Extremists

This is still America and we still have the U.S. Constitution where free speech, religion and press are tantamount to our way of life. We can't let these extremists, Isis or others, cow us with fear tactics to take away our way of life!

Soon after our Constitution was created, a group of states and people called Anti-Federalists, such as James Madison, believed the document was missing greater constitutional protection for individual liberties, and so the Bill of Rights was added to safeguard individual liberty and put particular prohibitions on governmental power.

The very first amendment came about after thousands of years of religious control over people's speech and thus their lives. Time and again, history provides examples of how thinking and thus saying something that contradicted governmental power or religious norms was construed as blasphemy, causing the torture or cruel killings of many people, which is not unlike events of late.

Thus, our forefathers gave us the freedom to be religious, Christian or otherwise, or not be religious, believing this would stop such barbaric acts then and in the future--our future. So written by James Madison, the 10 Bill of Rights came into existence, with the First Amendment stating:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Under these rights, we have built a nation of people who for the most part have respected and even fought for these bills to live on, even if they strongly opposed the thinking of others for whom they fought for. So why now are journalists, cartoonists, bloggers and even little girls being kidnapped, tortured and having their lives brutally ended for showing a picture of their prophet?

In the section of the Koran where Mohamed speaks of killing and of wars against the Christians, promising salvation in the afterlife, it was not meant for innocents. Muslims, Christians and Jews have fought for thousands of years in the Middle East for control over that land of which they perceived had mystical or religious endowments. 
This is not the case in 2015, and it is not just Westerners that hold freedom of religious belief and thought as sacred. In fact, it is only a very few amount of people who have devitalized the words of their prophet and used them to herd others, torture and kill. 
We can't let this continue. Two hundred Christians girls went missing today. Dozens of journalists and aid workers have been kidnapped, with many of those having their heads slowly sliced off while awake. And yet another was beaten and set afire. 
I believe that since World War II, this is the only war we should fight. It is a direct affront to our way of life. And yet Obama keeps saying no boots on the ground; no war. And each day as our government tries to keep us from going to war with these barbaric people, like in WWII, more and more people are forced to live under the direct rule of these morons and more morons are joining their "cause." Well, morons, I hope you enjoy these!

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