PAGESLet's Get High; The Feds Say It's OK PAGESLet's Get High; The Feds Say It's OK PAGESLet's Get

Monday, March 9, 2015


By Cheri, the Non-PC Newsgirl

Whenever I hear Muslims speak of their barbaric brethren, I ONLY hear defense that they as Muslims are not like these barbaric people. I NEVER hear of how Muslims will take these people, kids, and at least try to teach them the correct way of the Koran, which is not to horribly kill innocents. I never hear the leaders of the Muslim community say we will do ALL we can to turn them into proper
Muslims, and then go out and preach a better lecture on the true tenants of Islam than extremists.

When all I hear are Muslims defending themselves, as in singular, and not taking as a group, as in plural, I don’t have confidence that Muslims are even willing to try to stop this or even capable of it! For others who are fed up with the hostage takers and brutal slayings of innocents, they believe all Muslims are apart of it. I do not believe this, but I do believe proper Muslims are derelict in their duties to find their fringe Muslims and helping them avoid becoming extremists.

So please, in addition to defending yourselves, let the American people, the world, know you are doing something to stem the problem. Otherwise it does appear you’re almost encouraging this type of behavior. By remaining silent on this issue about the real reason your young Muslims are strapping bombs to their bodies or putting them in their back-packs to mangle and kill innocent runners, the problem gets worse.

These are your people and you have a responsibly to take these young Muslims in and show them the love they think they will get from extremists. If they're going to Syria, for Christ's sake, it seems apparent they're not getting the proper Muslim teachings from their own community and, more so, the love that the desperately need!

You’re more worried about defending the honor of Islam. Well think about it. How much more shame can be placed on Muslims and Islam than what's going on around the world now.


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